For a pictorial account of the workshop, please click on the link below:
10 JUNE 2013
Discover how you can live the Best Years of Your Life!
Anything in life that is worth achieving requires careful planning. The same goes for a happy retirement. It is never too early to start planning for your golden years. And for those already retired, better late than never, if you want to make retirement the best years of your life.
Most people believe that good health and financial security are the only prerequisites for a happy retirement. Not so. We may enjoy robust health and have more than sufficient in our nest egg, yet we may find little meaning in life. There is much more to a happy retirement than good health and wealth, as billionaires Warren Buffett and Bill Gates will tell you.
In this 2-day "
LIVE YOUR BEST YEARS" workshop, participants will learn about the 7 Pillars of Successful Retirement - Good Health, Financial Security, Social Connections, Self-Empowerment, Lifelong Learning, Spirituality and Volunteerism.
We have invited the best speakers to share with you their vast knowledge and experience in their field of specialty. Check out their impressive profiles below.
We have also prepared workshop materials to guide you in planning for your eventual part-time or full-time retirement. Participants with their own home-based businesses will have a section to promote their products and services. This is free of charge. However, conditions do apply. Please contact Lily at 012-306 8291 if you are interested.
Two networking lunches will be provided for you to meet up with past event participants as well as new ones. An excellent opportunity to widen your social network! So remember to bring your name cards.
But most important of all is the aim of this workshop. It is specially organized to help those aged 45+ to prepare for a happy and fulfilling retirement in the not too distant future. We will all get there some day, and the best time to make plans is NOW to ensure we will enjoy good health, have sufficient funds to maintain a comfortable lifestyle, and remain active and productive in our later years. This is what
REAL retirement planning is all about.
To quote Shakespeare,
"The best is yet to come".
Do register early to ensure a seat.
- Those aged 45 and above, whether still working or retired
- Members of senior citizens clubs
- NGOs for the welfare and support of senior citizens
All-inclusive fee: Only
RM100 per pax
Unbeatable value, so don't miss out on this golden opportunity to prepare well for the retirement years. Confirm your seats now.
Registration deadline extended to: 10 June 2013
Day 1 (Saturday, June 15, 2013)
09.00am Opening Keynote Address by Ms Lin Chua
Founder and Chairperson of
AUTORR Foundation
Session 1
‘Staying Healthy in Body, Mind and Soul’ ~ Dr Rajbans Singh
10.30am Tea Break
Breakout session and self reflection
Home care-giving demonstration and talk by MyFlexHealth
Networking Lunch
Session 2
‘Giving Back to the Community Through Volunteerism’ ~ Mr Pun Tian Pouw
Breakout session and self reflection
Session 3
‘Getting Connected with Family, Friends and Community’ ~ Mr Chai Sen Tyng
Breakout session and self reflection
05.00pm Tea
Day 2 (Sunday, June 16, 2013)
08.00am Registration
Session 4
09.00am ‘Self-Empowerment Through Living a Purpose-Driven Life’ ~ Dr Michael Heah
10.00am Tea Break
10.15am ‘Self-Empowerment Through Living a Purpose-Driven Life’ (continuation)
11.15am Breakout session and self-reflection
12.30pm Networking Lunch
Session 5
02.00pm ‘Your Best Years Yet. Ensuring the financial security you need in retirement' ~ Ms Joyce Chuah
03.15pm Breakout session and self-reflection
04.15pm Closing, Tea

Parking per entry is only RM4/-
Lin Chua
Founder and Chairman
AUTORR Foundation
Lin Chua's name is synonymous with the AUTORR Foundation (Aged Unite To Organize Rest and Recreation). Following in the footsteps of her philanthropist grandfather, Kapitan Yap Kwan Seng, who founded the Tung Shin Hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Lin set up the AUTORR Centre in Ampang to serve as a place where senior citizens could attend classes to learn new skills, and make new friends. It was a dream came true for Lin when the centre held its Open Day in December 2012.
Lin is a member of the Harvard Business School Alumni Club. She has received numerous awards over the years, including the prestigious International Woman of the Year 2000-01, the 2003 International Peace Prize and the American Hall of Fame Five Star Award. She currently sits on the Board of Trustees, Women's Institute of Management (WIM).
Dr Rajbans Singh
Consultant Geriatrician
President, Malaysian Wellness Society
Dr. Rajbans graduated from the University of Mysore in 1984. In 1992, he obtained Membership of The Royal College of Physicians, U.K. and served as a specialist at Seremban General Hospital.
In 1994, he was granted a government scholarship to pursue his sub-specialisation in Geriatrics at Cardiff Royal Group of Hospitals. Later that year, he completed his Diploma in Geriatric Medicine at Royal College of Physicians in London. He is also a Certified Nutrigenomics Practitioner and International Medical Advisor to Fit-Genes Australia.
In 1995, he established the first Geriatric Ward in Malaysia at Hospital Seremban and was also the first Geriatrician in the Ministry of Health. He was Senior Lecturer in Medicine and Head of the Geriatric Unit at University Putra Malaysia as well as Consultant Physician and Geriatrician at General Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
Presently, Dr Rajbans Singh is a Consultant at Pantai Hospital, Bangsar. He started the Healthy Aging Centre in Pantai Group of Hospitals, the first in the country. He is also Visiting Consultant to Beacon International Specialist Centre, Prince Court Medical Centre, Sunway Medical Centre and Assunta Hospital.
Dr. Rajbans is a member of the Elderly Committee of the Malaysian Medical Association, Member of the Malaysian Gerontological Association, Member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and Member of the British Geriatrics Society. He is the Founding Member and Past President of the Malaysian Healthy Aging Society.
Now, he heads the Malaysian Wellness Society as its President. He has developed a course on ‘Wellness and Healthy Ageing’ in collaboration with Open University Malaysia where the focus is on educating the public on preventive health, wellness and longevity.
Dr. Rajbans has been invited to give numerous talks on healthy aging and wellness, and has presented at conferences in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. He has also written numerous articles on health and wellness related issues in local publications, health magazines and medical publications. He has spoken on the concept of healthy aging to many corporations including Nestle, Cerebros, Standard Chartered, HSBC, OCBC, UOB, Hong Leong, Serono, Aventis, IJM, ExxonMobil, Public Mutual, IJM and to many clubs and associations.
Dr Rajbans has a regular radio show every Thursday on Lite Fm where he speaks on various health issues. He has a keen interest in the ageing process, especially in the early detection and prevention of disease processes. He believes in the motto: ‘Live Long, Live Well’
Dr Michael Heah
Founder, CEO
Corporate Coach Academy
Dr Heah is a leading and renowned Professional Certified Coach in this region. He is the Chairman of Malaysian Association of Certified Coaches, the first Founding President of ICF Malaysia and an Adjunct Professor for University Utara Malaysia.
He is the first ICF-Credentialed Professional Certified Coach in Malaysia and among the very few in Asia to have achieved this world class coaching qualification.
Dr Heah has a rich track record in coaching. He is not only a pioneer in coaching here but also played a pivotal role in bringing coaching into this part of the world, in particular, the superior ICF brand of Coaching. He also engineered the setting of Coaching Standards in the country, with the purpose of uplifting the standards of Professional Coaching as well as to raise greater awareness in the powers of Coaching as an engine for transformation of people and organizations.
He is a well known personality in Coaching, an author of 2 coaching books, a columnist in Coaching both locally and internationally and a coaching thought leader. He has personally coached and certified hundreds of people from all walks of life and industries to become workplace coaches and professional coaches.
His coaching work extends to supporting large organizations in major change exercise. Some of his clients include: a large cross section of Government Ministries, locally and internationally, Regional and International Agencies, Oil & Gas, Financial Institutions, Telecommunications, IT, Hotel & Tourism, etc. Others include: Malaysian representative consultant for work relating to tourism and economic development in the Asia Pacific region and also Advisor-Consultant to European Union and Vietnam National Administration of Tourism to help in the human resource development for the tourism sector.
His coaching school is the only 2 in Asia to be awarded the accreditation rights by ICF to certify coaches in attaining the global status of ICF credentialed coach status.
He is qualified with a Doctorate and Masters in Hospitality & Tourism and a Postgraduate Diploma in Organizational Psychology from various universities in UK. He has more than 30 years experience in various corporate portfolios. Some of them include: Managing Director of a premier tourism college, Executive Director of the Travel Retail Chain, Head of Travel Franchise, Group Human Resource Director of an international tourism network, and many others.
Joyce Chuah
Success Concepts Life Planners
Joyce graduated with a Masters Degree in Philosophy (Finance and Management Studies) from Cambridge University. She has been in the financial services industry since 1997. She was previously working for Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn. Bhd
Joyce is a Certified Counselor, a Certified Financial Planner, an Associate Islamic Financial Planner professional qualification and a Certified Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (PSMB) trainer, Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming from ABNLP, a certified Practitioner of Time Line TherapyTM
Joyce was a lecturer for the CFP program at the Institute of Management Studies and has conducted numerous Financial Literacy seminars for corporate employees.
She is also known for her contributions in the Personal Money magazine, The Star, BFM’s Ringgit & Sense radio programs and is a writer and creator of the weekly “Financial Snacks” in Star Biz.
“I believe in plans. When we plan, we are not taken aback by surprises. Life is so full of them and I don’t like to take any chances on my financial health. Therefore, every aspect of my financial life has to have a plan.”
Vincent Pun Tian Pouw
Korn/Ferry International, Kuala Lumpur
Vincent T.P.Pun is a member of Korn/Ferry's Global Financial Markets. He possesses more than two decades of experience in regional consulting and corporate HR experiences in assessment and development, change management, mergers and acquisitions, organization change & transformation, and talent acquisition & management.
He has worked with senior management-level clients throughout Asia Pacific including India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Mauritius, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, mainly in the financial services industry.
Prior to joining Korn/Ferry, Vincent was the group human resources general manager for Hong Leong Group, one of Malaysia's largest conglomerates. Before that, he was the consulting practice lead for Hewitt Associates’ talent and leadership engagement practice in Malaysia.
Vincent started his career with Andersen Consulting in Malaysia. During his tenure, he was the senior consulting manager for the Organization and Human Performance group, specializing in the financial services industry, as a Regional HR Lead – Asia, and as a Quality- ISO9001 manager.
Vincent holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Monash University, Australia, and a post-grad diploma in human resource management from the University of Malaya.
As a volunteer over the past 8 years and as a full-time executive director with a non-profit NGO for the past year, Vincent had the privilege to come in contact with some very wonderful people. He had befriended individuals of various races, gender at all ages, seeking to be there for them during the difficult period of their lives. Vincent will be sharing his journey of self-awareness and self-discovery at the workshop.
Vincent will teach you to conduct a self-assessment to find out if you are ready to embark on this enriching journey of helping others in need. Important skills are required to do a good job. Same as volunteerism. Find out what skills are required other than having the passion to do it. Find out for yourself what sort of activities you may enjoy doing and not enjoy doing as a volunteer, and whether you are ready to embark on this enriching journey of helping others in need.
Chai Sen Tyng
Research Officer
Institute of Gerontology,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang
Chai Sen Tyng is a researcher at the Institute of Gerontology (IG), UPM. He first joined IG as a Science Officer in 2003 and today he develops, manages and coordinates both local and international funded projects under the Social Gerontology Laboratory. His key areas of interest and expertise are in the sociology, psychology and demography of ageing.
He is part of the team under Prof Dr Tengku Aizan Hamid (IG’s founding Director) which initiated the University of the Third Age (U3A) Malaysia program in 2008
to promote active and productive ageing through lifelong learning.
As an academic researcher, Chai has published papers in peer-reviewed journals and contributed regularly to conference proceedings as both speaker and author on subjects such as successful ageing, inter-generational transfers and welfare of the aged.
Chai has a Bachelor's degree in Human Development from UPM. He is a life member of the Gerontological Association of Malaysia (GEM), the Malaysian Social Sciences Association (MSSA) and the Golden Key International Honour Society.
Chai will be speaking on the importance of maintaining social relationships. He will share social media tools and tips on how to stay connected with family and friends, as well as discover new roles in modern retirement today.
What started off in May 2008 as a community blog, called SeniorsAloud, for older Malaysians to share their views and experiences in life, has now expanded into an offline community of senior citizens eager to network and empower themselves through lifelong learning and community involvement.
Seniorsaloud’s mission is to help empower older adults with the knowledge and skills to face the challenges of the retirement years. We aim to make lifelong learning available, accessible and affordable to senior citizens. The end goal is to enable them to enjoy their golden years confident in the knowledge that not only are they physically fit and financially secure, but also mentally sharp and still able to contribute to society.
Since January 2012, Seniorsaloud has successfully organized a series of seminars as well as participated in several community events. These include:
“How to grow your golden nest egg”
“Social Media for Seniors”
“Retire Healthy and Happy”
“Retirement Living”
“Smart Money Management for Seniors”
“Improving Public Transport for Senior Citizens”
“Social Media for Business Marketing and Networking”
Proceeds from Seniorsaloud events go towards helping less fortunate senior citizens in need of basic provisions or financial aid.
Traffic to Seniorsaloud community blog is growing rapidly, thanks to our expanding network of friends and supporters, including those who have attended our events. In 2012 it was nominated by US-based
Senior Homes for the award of ‘Best Seniors Living Blog by Organizations’ for providing valuable resources to the senior living community
The latest seniors-related articles and news are posted on Seniorsaloud to share with the community. It has become a popular resource site for researchers and organizations seeking information about senior living and aged care. The blog has an archive of over 750 posts. It stays relevant and current with an average of 2-3 new posts a week.
Seniorsaloud has been featured in
The Star, The New Straits Times, The Malay Mail, and
The Sun, as well as in magazines including
Personal Money, Passage, Asian Beacon and the Singapore edition of
Women’s Weekly.
Find out more about Seniorsaloud at our
community blog, our
events blog and our
Facebook page.
You can email us at
Matters Solutions Sdn Bhd – Corporate Profile
Retirement & Aged Care
People . Education
. Community . Food Network
Our goal is to facilitate business and
government to benefit from the unprecedented, global growth of the 50+
population. Clients engage us to provide ideas and solutions to meet the 50+
needs and wants.
Our aim is to support our clients in
designing, managing and executing lasting beneficial services for the 50+
market. We advise on many aspects, depending on the consumers’ needs and
industry of the 50+ market. We specialize in project consultancy including
market research and feasibility study, coaching, training programmes and
community projects for the 50+ consumers. We also organize events and seminars for
our corporate clients. In short, we strive to deliver to our corporate clients
deal value and business advice throughout the deal continuum.
Often clients want our help to devise a right
and effective strategy that will create a sustainable edge business for the 50+
market. First step to conduct a market research to determine opportunities and
possible barriers. Based on research results, we conduct training programmes to
educate the management common understanding of the issues and help them develop
ideas. At the same time, we help clients organize events to excite the people about
the opportunities in this segment and educate the 50+ consumers about the
products and services.
Our team has on-going projects including:
§ Project
consultancy and feasibility study of senior living and aged care centres for
community living.
§ Market
research on extension of retirement age and going back to work for retirees.
§ Help
company to develop marketing strategy to promote retirement products and
services to the 50+ consumers.
§ Organize
series of events and training programme to empower the pre-retirees and
retirees to live an active, healthy and meaningful retirement.
§ Conduct
talks to corporate human resource managers on policies and change management
programme for New Retirement Age 60;
§ Conduct
workshops to teach caregivers the necessary skills to take care of elderly
person at home.
At Care Matters, we care enough to help
businesses develop services and products that matter to the 50+ consumers’
quality of life.
For more information, you can write to
us at or call our enquiry number +6012 208 5090